Пн-Сб: 9:00-18:00




Temporary storage warehouses
Склады временного хранения
Склады временного хранения
Temporary storage warehouses in Aktau come in two types:
  • Containers, modules, and boxes:
  • Fully functional structures with ramps and lifting mechanisms.
  • Sealed armored cells for documents and valuable small items.
Some cargo requires special storage conditions; failure to meet these conditions could potentially damage other nearby property and endanger warehouse staff. Therefore, when applying for Customs Warehouse (CW) services in Aktau, you will need to provide our staff with detailed information about the characteristics of the goods.
A Customs Warehouse (CW) is a facility properly equipped for the temporary storage of various goods that need to be transported across the borders of the Customs Union. In such facilities, goods and vehicles are stored until customs specialists complete their inspection and document processing.
Established by customs authorities of Kazakhstan;
Created by a legal entity.
By type of access, warehouses are classified into closed warehouses, designated for storing goods of specific legal entities, and open warehouses, accessible to all parties.
Rekon-Aktau rents out temporary storage warehouses that are registered in accordance with the legal norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The warehouses have been inspected by government authorities and approved based on all criteria.

Features of interaction with goods owners: The legal aspect of relationships with those planning to store their goods in a Customs Warehouse (CW) can be based on a paid and contractual arrangement. If you need to rent space in Aktau for goods of any kind, contact our representative at +7(7292)544418 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We operate every day except Sunday.
Our team
Пн-Сб: 9:00-18:00
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